Some breathtaking views. Virtually. Vertigo is always close when you're standing on cliffs like that.

Daphne mezereum, quite rare, and very poisonous. Punishes all people violating their protection status with their deadly fragrance.

Now then, up we go!

And here we are.

The snowline's around 1000-1400 metres on the shadowy side, but well beyond 1800 metres on the sunny side.

It's still easy going there.

A dead pine, and in the background both black and red pines (or Scots pines as they're called in English).

There's a drop of approximately 400 metres to the valley below.

Here I'm standing at 1200 metres altitude, but the snowfield in the background even reaches below 1000.

At about 1350 metres I got finally stuck in a dense field of snow; I turned round finally, after walking quite some distance over the snow, as the midday sun already had begun melting its upper layer and thus making progress very slow indeed.

On my way back now.
This will all be covered in snow again by tomorrow evening as a cold front is predicted, with snow well down into Alpine valleys. And further up it'll surely take quite some time for the snow to melt.