It is a genus I hate, those mulleins, because the individual species are very similar and difficult to differentiate; also it is not uncommon that different species grow in the same habitat - even hybrids are quite common. Further, they're very ugly in close-up - and I mean really ugly here, honestly! Only from far away they're worth taking a photo at all.

I think that this one is a Verbascum densiflorum.
I found it on the artificial hilly lands both sides of the S1 motorway, again right on the border between Vienna and Lower Austria. This one here (I think) already grew on Lower Austrian soil while that side of the hill already lies in Vienna; I shot both pictures standing in the very same place:

As I did when taking this one - I only moved a few steps towards the Viennese border (or actually might have taken that shot standing in Vienna) but the combine is harvesting a Lower Austrian field (the crop should be rapeseed, far as I could tell from distance):

And about grainy crops harvesting, well: our farmers were not lucky at all this year, there was way too much rain for those just at harvesting time. Barley almost turned grey while for wheat and rye (and triticale, a hybrid preferred for animal fodder) they were lucky that it has become dryer lately, those crops haven't suffered too much from those torrential rains. But even they need to be harvested soon, and as today there was again plenty of rain time slowly is running out. But hotter and dryer weather is predicted for next weeks so this year's grainy crop might still turn out okay.