Oh very well, this is a diary, sorts of, so I may as well report the news.
Today, when skiing on Stuhleck mountain in Styria (strange name that, by the way; "Stuhl" in German means chair while "Eck" means corner; but of course this isn't the correct etymology for the word, nor any other meanings of "Stuhl", one of which would be plain shit - because "Eck" with mountains means just the peak itself, and "Stuhl" should be folk etymology for some Slavic name, I think, even though I can't think of a fitting Slavic root right now) ...

Well, I shall start anew ... so, when skiing there I hurt my knee, thus when walking I do so now with a very pronounced limp.
Which is very annoying as it keeps me indoors for at least a couple of weeks I'd say, probably longer if they have to do an arthroscopy because I am not a V.I.P. and thus will have to wait and make an appointment. And for my last arthroscopy I had to wait three or four weeks, if I remember correctly. I'll go nuts if I'll have to wait so long again. (Oh, I went nuts then, too, in case you're wondering.) It's not pain that drives me crazy (well, there's always painkillers if it gets too worse) but immobility.
Thus there won't be too many new posts here. Or probably there will, with photos from the archives. Like this here which is what Lobau did look like a couple of days ago: the ice is still way too thin to walk on, but that may change, as already reported.
I only hope to get a chance to walk over it, if it gets thick enough.