My little sister didn't care at all about plants until a couple of years ago.

I don't know what happened; what she told me was (I think) that she tried once to plant a seed of some fruit she ate, and the seed grew, and she is addicted to plants since. Or something like that.
She's even buying exotic fruit to being able to get their seed which she will put into earth and water and grow. Well, some didn't grow like the roasted peanuts she tried (I told her she shouldn't use roasted ones; but it seems to be all but impossible to buy non-roasted peanuts in Austria - or more precisely, you would have to buy a whole shipload at the bourse, and that's way above her budget).
This plant here now, called Amaryllis but nowadays differentiated from them as a separate species (Ritterstern - Hippeastrum), is one of them.