Sunflowers are a major crop in Austria, especially in the east of the country.
When I shot this one just around the corner some farmers desparately tried to bring in their harvest in grain before the next storm front with heavy rain could ruin it completely (they only managed in harvesting about half of their triticale crop, a hybrid of wheat and rye) - the sunflowers take the heavy rains more easily. This year a rainy season began just as the farmers began harvesting their grain crops; this year just is a summer as they once were, before climate change began in earnest: this year's summer is just wet. Very much so.
(By the way, the fact that finally a summer is actually extremely wet does not mean that there is no climate change: to think this would be stupid. Or have you forgotten already our mild winters, the last one being one of them?)
The sky you see in the background of this picture by the way wasn't blue at all but grey - and it was almost pitch black when I finally headed home; I only managed to reach my flat before the slight drizzle turned into a heavy downpour.