Wind claims the hot lands of Lobau; it blows rain clouds over the land and lets the sun through in patches between the downpours. Plants already were prepared to let the sun burn them, they are used to it after all out there on the hot lands, when nature decided to give them still some more weeks to grow.

The entry of a year ago was significantly different. (Well, actually the year was already full yesterday, as I noticed today. So a full year of blogging here on sokolblog lies behind me.)
Today's photo shows the hot lands of Lobau like they look this year in mid july: green they look, don't they? They didn't last year when it was extemely dry and hot (while it was cool and rainy for the last few days). In 2007 hawthorn already did show yellow and red leaves of which in 2008 there still is no sign. But nevertheless the hot lands finally are coming close to look like an African savanna.