It was a cold, rainy day, and I decided that it was perfect for a short trip with the bike.
Originally I intended to take some pictures from the new biological gas power station which produces a substitute for natural gas out of biological waste. (Usually this was used to feed pigs. But the European Union decided that it is 'unappetizing' to eat pork from pigs who ate our kitchen waste - which we did for centuries, by the way: it was our ancient understanding of the modern word 'recycling'. So there was sought, and found, another way to make use of these waste products.)
Anyway, on the way to and from this site I twice stopped at the Danube channel or Donaukanal (which is a small branch of the river reaching right into the heart of the city).
It turned out that I like the pictures taken there significantly more than the one taken of the power plant. So here it is - my favourite shot of the day.