Great weather we had today, here in Vienna. And I mean it.
The sky was overcast and we had the occasional drizzle, contrasts were low, colours were pastel - such as you can only get on days like this:

The shot was taken in the Wienerwald (the Viennese forest in the hilly country just to the west of the city) were I was gathering mushrooms - not for the kitchen, by the way, but with my camera. And lots of mushrooms I found, which eventually too will find their way into this blog.
But for today just take in this impression of autumn-ness, to create a new word long sought for.
(BTW, even in this weather considered by most people - except the ones like me - as not quite ideal for a walk I encountered two people, which was quite annoying. I selected this hill especially for its loneliness and unattractiveness, because when I'm out in the open I want to be alone - to get the feel of nature there mustn't be people around. Well ... except me, of course. Obviously, the hill still lies too close to Vienna and its suburbs. This is one of the downsides living in this city; it is not so easy to get rid of two million people.)