That's actually the name of the hill - Rax - the one I went to today in order not to climb the peak: my next near-ascent!

Weather forecast was excellent but didn't turn out as such at first; dark clouds still were hanging around Schneeberg peak (the "big brother" of Rax). Later, and slowly, the sun managed to get through.

Yes, that's actually snow what you can see behind those Pinus mugo trees! And there's more to be had:

Still, Rax is mostly free of snow now (even its peaks), and on those places where you can still find some it is due to other reasons - northern slope, or steep valleys: actually, the one below is both, and that's the hugest accumulation of snow I found today even though it lies only at around 1350 metres (while the peaks of Rax range from the 1600's to the 2000's):

On the ascent I took the route through a gorge which, as I discovered, was very wet (and probably usually is in spring, while in summer it is much drier) and even could be considered a little waterfall (had I known this before I'd have taken another route); I had to wade over slippery stones which went down almost vertical:

And without those ropes and ladders you can see below I'd have no chance of climbing down that waterfall - I would have had to turn back even though this would have been quite a detour. As it was, with ropes and ladders, it was still dangerous - with all those wet and slippery stones. Still, it was a good experience - and the waterfall really was picturesque.

Oh, flowers there were many; here's one of them - Soldanella alpina, flowering by the thousands up there.

(Other photos of plants [of which there are plenty] will be posted in due time - either here or on my flickr page. ;-)