Some time ago, on 16th of october, I promised you snow. It took me some time - and had I set out earlier I wouldn't have to walk up as far as I did today: as it was rather warm the last couple of weeks snowline retreated high up to alpine pastures. Here there's hardly any snow left, at about 1000 metres altitude - what you see is mostly frost:

But at 1500 metres altitude there's real snow, if not nearly as much as there was a good week ago:

I would have gone further but to my huge disappointment even in these conditions - rather cool (though sunny) weather, and snow in higher regions - the mountain was quite crowded: I met five people on my way up, and when I looked further up to the peak I even saw three more on their descent:

By then I've had enough and called it a day. I'd just love to get the chance to being able to climb mount Schneeberg without meeting a single human being on the way up. And on the way down too, for that matter.