I am awfully sorry but I've completely forgotten about our birthday party. Here's the solution to the riddle posted on 9th of july - I guess that most of my esteemed readers were there (of which there are currently 73, according to my poll), on this crossroads in the middle of the now lush and verdant green of Lobau:

Boring, I know. But it's not my fault, the hot lands of Lobau are supposed to look like a dry steppe by mid of july.
I only hope you didn't wait too long for me to turn up yesterday; and of course there's no excuse for me not turning up. (Well, I was tired from my trip to Kalkalpen national park but I still should have managed to be there.) If you did wait longer then please accept my excuses for the many mosquito bites you must have taken while you were waiting.
I was there today but of course that's one day too late; and I was there in the morning when mosquitos still are slow (they took a good fifteen minutes to find me, but then they descended upon me with a vengeance; serves me right too, of course).
Anyway, to make good for this, and also to belatedly celebrate the second birthday of my blog, I've got a rockrose for you:

(And don't complain; I know I keep posting pictures from them but they're just nice. So please, try and enjoy, will you?)