The ponds and bayous of Lobau are frozen over, and so is the New Danube - the huge recreational area parallel to Danube river and where water only runs through in case water levels in the Danube are high, else it is just a stillwater bayou.
Even though it is not something special for stillwater to freeze over solidly in winter this hadn't happened for two winters now, and I am really really happy that the ice is thick enough to walk on.
This here however is the Danube river:

The river itself only freezes over on very rare occasions. And as you can see this hasn't happened yet - the ice you see here only could build in a small channel, out on the river there are only small chunks of ice: but those you can see already.
But I don't expect the Danube river to freeze over this year - this really only happens once or twice a century, and the last time was further back than I can remember. (Also don't forget global warming.)
Whatever: when the ice will break up on the New Danube and on the bayous of Lobau this could be spectacular. Remains to be seen, of course.