Some places in Lobau look like a tropical rain-forest, with lianas covering trees and bushes and even weeds.
For ages I am now trying to catch such a scene, and for ages I am failing. This photo too is a failure, of course, but at least the best failure I have to offer so far:

Hopefully some time in the future I will come across one of those rain-foresty liana scenes in the right light, at the right time.
What they consist of mainly are Clematis vitalba (Gewöhnliche Waldrebe - old man's beard) and Humulus lupulus (Hopfen - hop), both now bearing fruit which would have been quite a sight if only the light were better. And it isn't likely to change soon as the bad weather now really has hit; it began yesterday already and today temperature didn't rise above 8° Celsius here in Vienna which is extraordinarily low for the time of year.