It is still raining. And cold.

It was only three days ago when last time the sun shone on the hot lands of Lobau. These are the fruit of Schleh as they are called in my native dialect of Mühlviertel (Prunus spinosa - Schlehdorn, blackthorn) and what is called Mehlbeerl in Viennese dialect (Crataegus monogyna - Weissdorn, hawthorn).
The fruit of Schleh mainly are used for producing an alcoholic drink (a Schleh-Schnapps in case you're interested) while Mehlbeerln aren't of great use at all - in times when people hadn't much to eat at all dried fruit were used to stretch flour with in order to make it last longer which also is where they've got their local name (Mehlbeere = flour-berry).