Bales everywhere: the grain harvest is finished, and these bales of straw now are awaiting happy buyers, or alternatively, if none could be found, they will be allowed to rot. I could have shown you a half-rotten bale tower from last year but I guess this one in the district of Gänserndorf is prettier.

At first sight I though well, now that's a golf plant for you: a plant for golf courses which some day may yield golfers paying for the pleasure of being allowed to drive a small white ball across the green with a short stick. Not so, as I found out: this simply is a lawn plant, where lawn is grown to be sold to people who do not know that a simple meadow could be grown by simply mowing the weeds growing on rough soil regularly.

The oil port just outside Lobau is something I know ad nauseam, literally: the smell of oil is not a pleasant one, especially if you have to breathe rather deep because you're doing sports. Nevertheless the oil port also has some nice things to show, like this sample of colours.

Always and ever, Lobau Danube National Park. Still green like it were spring, which really really is something special at this time in the year, here in the dry Pannonian climate of Vienna (even though not much appreciated by me, as already said several times; so much green is so boring really).
But I'm okay with that as long as I too can find plants like these. Pretty, isn't it?