The Red Army Soldier on Schwarzenbergplatz in Vienna still is watching over us. Let us not forget that he came to Austria as liberator, not as conquerer. Well - to be more precise: he was in fact our liberator - he did set us free from the Nazi regime, didn't he? -, even though the intentions behind were those of a conquerer.
(I really like this monument, I honestly do! Once when I stood before it the first time many years ago, trying to read the inscription in Russian, I was even adressed by a Russian tourist if I were Russian ... we then had a nice though short chat.)

Now this blog is not about politics, and never will be. But just think of it, think of what for Southern Ossetia the Russian Army might be. Aren't they liberators, even though the mind behind is that of a conquerer?
My personal opinion on that one is very straight and simple: we should not divide until no further division is possible; we should unite instead until no further unification is achievable. One world - one race - one nation. Now is that really too much to ask?