Apart from huntsmen and mosquitos there aren't many predators in Lobau but there are some, the dragonfly being one of the most common ones:

I guess I haven't told you yet how I hate dragonflies because this would be the first one shown here on this blog.
Well then: I'd like to tell you that I really really hate dragonflies.
They never do what is expected of them. I like to compose my photos - background is important, light too, and in case I'm not so sure what's the right angle I try out more. Animals and especially dragonflies seem to not care in the least about that!
This one here being an exception: it held still for almost half an hour, and I took thirty shots until I was satisfied, of the exact same object, with only slightest variations of position and light. This shot was not the last one I took but almost; there really was no reason to take more photos after that one, but to be absolutely sure I nevertheless did.