Many places of the Lobau 'swamp'lands actually are rather dry - especially the 'Hot Lands' (Heisslände) regularly featured on this blog, some of them located only a few metres from bayous like this one here. Water levels are slightly higher than usual right now, as already posted yesterday, and vegetation is a lush green - which really is quite boring. Early spring and fall is so much more colourful. Whatever - one has to take nature like it is.

The yellow flowers you can see there of course are irises. Oh, and to keep you updated: a new species of orchids has opened its petals, orchis coriophora (Wanzenknabenkraut - I don't know what the English name for that one would be):

Mistook it first for an extraordinary late Orchis morio but then realised that this couldn't possibly be one; now at home I've looked it up and I'm rather confident that this really is Orchis coriophora.