When it was only rather cool on the weekend, today we only were a hair's breadth away from getting snow in the lower regions of Vienna which would have been - at this time, mid of october - a first since I live here.
But of course the higher regions of the town up on the slopes of Wienerwald did already get snow: this is not unheard of, yet a little bit early in the year nevertheless.
Anyway, there wasn't snow here in Simmering, unfortunately, but only rain; temperature around my block was +1.5 degrees Celsius in the late afternoon, but probably the thermometer of my car was a little bit too optimistic.
So no first snow today - even though big parts of Austria (not only the Alps) already saw their first. Instead some impressions taken only a few days ago:

And don't be fooled by the atmosphere - it was rather cold when I took this picture.