Today, finally, a picture that shows ME. Just to prove I was there, at Camp Nou (Nou Camp) (literally: the New Camp) -, més que un club:

As you may imagine this picture wasn't taken by me but a friend who accompanied me (and please again excuse the poor scan). I concede that the picture don't gives away a great many details.
You might think now that I've gone totally gaga even to think about showing this picture in public. But first hear the story that comes with it!
This photograph will alwas remind me of the minutes we spent there, at the press center of FCB. Althoug we were in no particular hurry, my friend had seen already enough and wanted to leave, whereas I insisted we'd take a photo of each other posing before the sponsor wall as if speaking on a press conference.
The picture of my friend would show sharp eyes but blurred background as one would suppose it should be (I wouldn't show that one here as it would intrude into his privacy rights). Mine, on the other hand, shows - as you can see - a relatively satisfactory sharp background, and that's about it.
Honestly, I tried to explain to my friend how to manually focus with a split screen viewfinder (my OM-10 is not an autofocus model) but I didn't succed on the first try and when it was clear (as I asked him afterwards) that the outcome would be approximately like what you see now he refused to try a second time but pushed to leave the hall immediately. I was left with little choice but to comply.