At last - Barcelona! Sagrada Familia, Gaudís masterpiece, still incomplete - Christmas façade:

The church is still very much a construction site and will continue to be one for at least twenty years, probably even longer, before the successors of the catalan architect eventually will finish his work. (Well - we do not know if they ever will succeed in this task.)
As for the construction cranes, there are only two possibilities: either you stamp them away on the computer or you integrate them into the picture. I did the latter as I am lazy by nature - and wicked enough too to enjoy contrasting the work of a century with modern construction machines.
Sagrada Familia really is very impressive, despite (or maybe because) of still being under construction. The entrance fee is not wasted on this one, of that I am sure.
As for the quality of the picture, please excuse the poor scan. (As I mentioned earlier in this blog, I went to Barcelona only taking my film camera with me, meaning everything you'll see the next days of Barcelona will be scanned.) I might eventually manage better scan quality, but for the time being I'm an amateur with scanning. Also, this is only a scan of a print size 9x13 centimetres (that's about 3,5x5 inches).