Once upon a time when I didn't even know that there were Lomo cameras around (film cameras, of course - this was in the early 199oies) I was told that Lomography is hip.
So I bought a Lomo set for one hundred Austrian shillings (about 12-14 euros or 15-19 dollars if you include inflation), which is extremely cheap compared to how much you'll have to pay for a Lomo compact LCA with Minitar 2.8/32 nowadays. (It seems Lomography is even hipper today.)
Shortly after the warranty had expired my Lomo broke down; I didn't bother having it repaired and almost forgot about it.
But a few weeks ago I stumbled over it again when cleaning my cupboard - and thought about putting it to use. Today being the Austrian national holiday I found the time to complete the work on my Lomo lens which I now have adopted to my digital camera. And this is the result:

Well, the picture is lacking sharpness, and the lens proves to be even worse on digital than on film material (which was to be expected). And the lens can only be used for macro shots, with (as yet) no possibility of stopping it down, there's no diaphragm built in (maybe I'll make one sometime).
Nevertheless, it was fun to do and it will be fun to run around with this lens mounted on my reflex camera.
By the way, this picture shows the innards of the cannibalised Lomo compact LCA.