Barcelona, a few weeks back, were my first holidays in a location boasting palm trees. (And no, I'm not kidding. I just prefer the boreal zones, okay?)
I was fascinated particularly by the date palms, this specimen being located on Plaça Reial:

Plaça Reial really is a nice Iberian Plaza, although quite small and overcrowded. Personally, however, I prefer La Rambla del Raval where there grow palm trees, too, and which is much wider than the former. Mainly because Rambla del Raval is much less 'touristy', although it would be tough to find a spot in Barcelona where one could guarantee that no tourists will be about.
One strange thing about Rambla del Raval: lots of Turkish restaurants there. I didn't realise until then that Turks, too, live on the Iberian peninsula - on the contrary, I did expect to find lots of Arab restaurants: I thought that Arabs would play a similar role there as Turks do in Austria. Not so, obviously.
(PS: I still hate scanning. And I'm only just satisfied enough with the quality of this scan to feel like showing it here.)