After quite some time of total abstinence finally once again came a weekend where I drank to much; consequently, today I've got a hangover.
And no, I'm no alcoholic even though I sometimes drink alcohol, and I'm a non-smoker although yesterday indeed I did smoke a few cigarettes. With me, these drugs aren't a passion but something that will happen from time to time. Anyway, today I felt like there was a motorway straight through my head - or a highway of course, alternatively, if you're from overseas.
Pity really because today there was wonderful weather. You see, my head kept me inside my flat the whole day. Couldn't help it, was scared to death of this motorway drumming in my ears.
I feel a little bit better now and even can bear to look at this rest stop on the A1, the first and most important Autobahn in Austria:

And please excuse the psychedelic colours. Might be due to residual alcohol and craving for nicotine.