Remember the Cepeae hortensis, the snails in Lobau national park?
On july 24th I showed you the snails on the bushes in the so-called Heisslände (which means actually nothing more but hot lands). I don't know about their life cycle, I don't know how they survive winter.
But what I do know is that these snails, some days ago, obviously dropped off from the dry bushes like ripe fruit. Maybe they hid under the earth, or more precisely, maybe at least some did.

I think I do remember from school that snails are able to close their casings with hardened slime and thus survive dry periods (or maybe even winter).
Whatever. Here they are: empty casings, lying all around the hot lands, everywhere under the dry bushes.
But surely they'll be back next year. And however they do manage this, I'm pretty sure that they just will.