Somebody asked me what 'Thomases' were after all, whether they'd be some speciality of Austrian cuisine or whatever.
Well, what should I say ... no such luck.
It seems that the idea of Doubting Thomases is culturally coded and not universal at all. Anyhow, here's the story:
A Doubting Thomas is somebody claiming that there isn't even snow in this photo:
... nor that the existence of snow as such, if there were any at all, which could be doubted even here:
... (after all, since when is snow red, I mean?!?), would be any proof whatsoever of it being winter, and that one could only believe that it's winter if one can lay one's own hand on this thing which is claimed to be snow before one could be sure, and not even then as everybody knows that there's snow guns around which could make snow even in Abu Dhabi.