Some impressions from my last near ascent - to Styrian Veitsch peak, which I almost climbed on sunday (and sorry for the delay but I was without internet for a couple of days, again). Weather didn't look very promising at the beginning ...

... but then fog and low-lying clouds also can be quite nice, right?

The hill above isn't the peak yet, nor is the one below.

But this one is it - the so-called Hohe Veitsch (it is a female mountain, by grammatical gender in German language of course; or what else did you have in mind?), 1981 metres above medium sea level.

Well, I did wait for quite some time, with the clear intention of climbing the final peak; however, I had to wait approximately 50 metres away, and the equivalent of two flights of stairs below, as the peak was occupied by other mountaineers continuously - even before a group left the next one was already going up: they took turns of posing for the peek peak victory photograph. Which of course is extremely bad style, I never could do that.

So I had to give up after waiting for almost an hour. Unlike my compatriot Christian Stangl who lied about climbing K2 I am honestly admitting that I failed to conquer Veitsch peak, however I succeeded in my near-ascent of Veitsch, and triumphantly so! For that those photos are proof enough, aren't they?

Well, and when I descended again even the sun came out and awarded me with a spectacular panorama.

Of flowers there wasn't much to be seen anymore, not at this time of year - except for this gentina (Gentianella "styriaca", a more-or-less transitional group of Gentianella species) of which there were hundreds of thousands.