Who would have thought that I'd ever enter famous Café Central? I certainly didn't, but with the help of a friend I managed bravely doing so. (No, really! I'm afraid of posh restaurants and cafés.) (And yes, the two letters below indeed stand for the same thing as WC does in English. Why not, you even need them in posh restaurants!)

Don't worry, prices are too small for you to make out on this menu card. And don't worry, the leftovers aren't mine.

Nor is this the friend of mine with whom I went there; this friend of mine actually prefers not being photographed (and I have the courtesy of not posting any photos of her here ;-).

Very well then, so I even enjoyed my first posh-café-visit (not as much as my near-ascent of Rax mountain, mind, but that's another story).
Which of course doesn't necessarily mean that a second one is to follow.