Some say that the 'continental style' of football is what wins games - the style played to perfection usually by Germans (result-oriented) and Italians (they've got even a name for it, 'catenaccio'). And that's what we've seen in the game of Spain against Portugal, so far - don't take me wrong, of course Spain played really good, their defence is excellent and their offence dangerous, but still that's not the kind of game I like.

I prefer even plain-and-simple kick-and-rush over such a tactical game, but of course the offensive 'Brazilian' style would be even better. Portugal played like that against North Korea - but of course this opponent is in a different category, doesn't compare to Spain, right? :D It seems that Portugal just cannot compete against Spain's cleverness. Very well, so be it, but if the Spanish team will go forward to win the title like that I won't be cheering (nor would I were it another team doing the same thing, that is by playing 'modern, continental style' football ...)