In late may weather should be warm and pleasant herearounds, but instead it is rainy and cold with temperatures ranging from 5-10° Celsius in the mornings to just above 10° in the afternoon (today's record high was barely 13°). Which should be considered despite of Pankratius, Servatius, Bonifatius and the Cold girl Sophia. Which again is something I probably should elaborate on.

In Austrian folklore, there's a saying that the Three Ice Saints and the Cold Sophia mark a short period of cold weather in spring; their feast days fall on 12th (Pankratius), 13th (Servatius), 14th (Bonifatius) and 15th (Sophia) of may. (By the Gregorian calendar those should be really 23rd to 26th of may, plus the 27th for Sophia, but folklore doesn't care about calendar changes.)

Obviously, we're already long past the 15th, but cold weather persists; so the three Ice Saints have a feast this year, or so it seems. Anyway, the saying goes that after the three Ice Saints there comes Sophia which marks the coldest day of them all, and after that it'll soon get warm again, and stay so. Not so this year obviously, and as a week of "early fall" is just all I can take in may I am asking you, dear Sophia, publicly to go away to Siberia or wherever you're supposed to be after your gig in Austria, and where they're now supposedly enjoying warm and balmy weather they aren't exactly entitled to.

(Oh, and those shots are infrared photos of course.