The Austrian landscape still is brown and grey, trees aren't growing leaves yet, and still there are flowers all around. Here's but a small selection:

Hepatica nobilis, in a mixed black pine/beech forest. The very first ones came out there a couple of weeks ago but now they're all over the place.

Primula vulgaris, the first one I've seen this year, also in a mixed black pine/beech forest.

Pulsatilla grandis, first sighting of flowering species this spring even though their buds were out for more than two weeks already, but didn't open due to the cold weather conditions.

Scilla vindobonensis; of them I've seen already plenty, but in early march there were only a very few specimens to be found while now there are hundreds, nay, thousands.

Gagea lutea, the very first ones I've seen this year - they're only beginning their flowering season.

Veronica persica, flowering throughout the year when it is warm enough (and of course when there's no snow). Due to this year's cold winter the first ones only came out by the end of february, along with Galanthus nivalis (of which I've shown already plenty).

And last but not least, Cornus mas. I expected them much earlier, and I'm sure they would have opened their buds a week or two ago if it hadn't been so cold. It seems they're still only reluctantly beginning to flower as if they wouldn't trust the situation; but I'm sure it'll now only take a further couple of days till they're flowering fully.