This is not a joke, that's the name of the building: Schloss Neugebäude - Castle New Building. It was built even before famous Schloss Schönbrunn, and parts of it were cannibalised for building the latter. I think I already explained about Castle New Building a couple of hundred posts ago but you might not remember (and nor do I), so it's just as well, right?

Like biathlon athletes at the olympics in Vancouver run some distance on their skis to stop for some shooting I did some running on my own feet, and some shooting with my camera. The photo above obviously shows the roof.

As does this one, plus some parts of the wall - the castle is under constant renovation, and probably it will look like a real castle again some day. (If you ask for my opinion they should leave it as it is; but that's just me.)

And here's some more snow. As you can see, thaw already has begun. It has been mild for a couple of days already, temperatures not much above freezing but still well above; and it will become even warmer - with Foehn being forecast for next week. If that will happen then the remaining snow will quickly melt here in Vienna.