In case you wonder what I'm doing all the time, here's your answer: I'm doing some hard work on my sokolindex site to build the tree of life - and I'm almost done, only Asteraceae family, fungi and lichen are still missing. I hope to have a preliminary tree ready within one or two weeks, and then I'll begin sorting to all those species photos I haven't published yet. :)
This shot here I took on sunday in overcast and rainy weather; it is a tree very common in Eastern Austria but less common in its western parts, and probably rare or even missing on your place - or quite the contrary, the only native Acer species as would be the case e. g. for England:

It is a maple species, Acer campestre, here mixed with oak and ash trees but what you see in the picture is almost exclusively field maple.
(And in case your guess was correct: no, there's no price for the winner, sorry.)