In the last couple of weeks some dreadful human mutants began roaming the national park of Lobau: they have two sticks attached to their hands and they can't help but using them when walking, as if those two feet which they were given by God weren't quite sufficient for them. I don't dare to show the faces of those poor creatures, so here you go, feet and "sticky attachments" only:

In my opinion combustion engines and nuclear energy are to blame. Well, there's no nuclear power station in Austria (apart from Zwentendorf which was stopped before it was started) but there are plenty in surrounding nations (actually apart from Liechtenstein all our neighbours do have nuclear plants), and there was Chernobyl.
What I can't understand is why those poor people don't have their attachments removed surgically - after all we're living in the 21st century, and also they're a huge nuisance as they're cramming all those small Lobau roads.