First and foremost - yes, I DID it! My first ascent to Schneeberg mountain. Here's where I returned last time: I only had to cross those stony meadows:

And then I was at the top! Which, by the way, is completely flat, very boring indeed. The most rocky thing I found there was the actual peak:

Only if you look downwards you see real cliffs - and here you look in the direction which I took for the descent (I didn't climb down that cliff though, that's one category above my skills - but I found an easier route through it).

Also I was curious if I could see Vienna from up there - well actually I knew that Vienna has to be visible from there, in theory; only you need clear air for that. We did have clear air, but not very clear as you can see (apologies for the bad quality):

On the right hand side - those skyscrapers - you can see Wienerberg City, and on the left hand side - those chimneys - the Vienna energy powerhouse in Simmering. But all those pictures are plain and uninteresting as compared to what I saw on the descent:

Of the many flowers I found I'm showing you only that one here, Gentianopsis ciliata which is very rare on Schneeberg mountain (not quite as rare in other regions):

So anyway, I've seen that peaks are boring. What is really interesting is ascent and descent. Thus I shall try and do some more near-ascents of other peaks (near-first-ascents of course!); there are plenty more peaks around. Wether or not I will reach the actual peaks is completely insignificant; what matters is only that I have a good time.