I've come to the conclusion that it is necessary to organise my plants photos.
Well yes, there's my Taxonomy page which I keep updated, and there's my Herbarium which still only contains an incomplete article about the autumn crocus (and I'm really planning to do something there, add useful information). But a blog isn't ideal for organising photos, and Flickr also has the advantage that I can tag some photos for the Encyclopedia of Life.
So very well - I've finally found the time to do something.
I will of course continue writing blog entries; only they won't contain as many species photos as they used to. (Well, that remains to be seen really ...)
Anyway, here some summer flowers from Perchtoldsdorfer Heide: Stipa capillata is flowering now - Pfriemengras in German, you might think of it as 'feathergrass without feathers':

And here's Prunella grandiflora, a strange yet beautiful one:

For more - here's my Flickr herbarium: http://www.flickr.com/photos/hermannherbarium/