Today is the second day of Donauinsel festival, the last day will be tomorrow. Despite the bad weather they were lucky, not too heavy rain (and yesterday none at all). Some friends of mine are there but I'm making a point of avoiding this festival - way too many people there for my liking.
Instead, an American immigrant plant, Oenothera pycnocarpa (Dickfrucht-Nachtkerze):

Complete with Episyrphus balteatus (Hainschwebfliege - Marmalade fly)*) stealing its pollen: they aren't the designated pollinators of Oenothera genus which here in Europe usually rely on self-pollination and occasionally are pollinated by nocturnal insects. So technically that hoverfly has no business there in this flower as far as I know (but probably it isn't doing any damage either).
P. S.: It is a male one; male hoverflies of many species have facette eyes joined together like with that one here while eyes of females are separated.