I'm sorry I only noticed yesterday that I never published my document "30 places to see", linked to in the sidebar. It is published now. :) It's a guide to all the places one really should visit in his life, at least according to me (which might not count for much).
Today's pictures however are from Lobau. The one above is Centaurium erythraea (Tausendguldenkraut), a tiny gentian family flower which marks the beginning of high summer; its flowering season only has just begun. (Just in case you're curious: this was taken yesterday, 21st of june, and the first buds were just opening; last year I've photos from 18th of june and if I remember correctly then they were all flowering in full already - so it seems vegetation still is just a little bit behind last year. - And a PS from 22nd of june: here I was told that already on 10th of june some plants were flowering in Lower Lobau; I wasn't there for some time so I didn't notice.)
Having mentioned summer again - it is raining cats and dogs today but summer, in Europe, really is the rainy season, so this isn't a big surprise at all. (Most people here in Austria complain about the rainy weather which, most likely, will yet continue for some days, and honestly I'm not too happy about it either. But on the other hand this weather just means that this year's summer is quite "normal", contrary to some very hot summers we've had recently and which were due to the global warming. So at least this year global warming gives us a very short break.)
And here there's another photo from my Horst IR camera - one of the bayous in Lobau (actually that's the creek which has been revived artificially a couple of years ago, before that it had fallen dry; it has developped into a lovely wet biotope already, with malicious mosquitos and all).