Carnival - that's Fasching here in Austria.
Carnival, that means fancy dress balls, and carnival parades, and of course the famous Vienna Opera Ball.
And for those of you who think that carnival in Austria were the same as in Germany, or even Switzerland, rest assured that this is nonsense. Even Bavarians celebrate Carnival different than neighbouring Upper Austrians.
Anyway, what you can see here is a guy called Memphis, the only Rastafarian in Fasching 1990, in Mühlviertel:

And in case you wonder where I've been, to keep you updated: I was due for surgery (- my knee, see older posts, meniscus & cruciate ligament -) a week ago but my appointment was cancelled due to 'lack of capacity'. If I'm lucky next friday I won't be sent home again; and if they keep me you might not see any activity on this blog for yet another couple of weeks. I am a little bit frustrated about my surgery being delayed [no, that's not true at all: I am very frustrated to be honest], but overall it isn't that bad - it's not as if my case were very urgent.
It is a shame that I'm just not in the mood of going out taking photos because we had quite some snowfall in the last weeks - each time only little, and it never accumulated to more than about five centimetres here in Vienna, but in Wienerwald trees are white. I should have droven out there with my car today, but again I was too lazy. So it seems that you may not get any more winter shots from me here on this blog, not this winter anyway.