In many parts of the world there's a mountain where you can see snow quite early in the year. This is only to be expected as mountains are quite high and snow is more likely to fall on them, right? Thus, only logical that people call those 'snow mountains', 'snow hill' or so: Snowdon, Snaefjell, Schneekoppe.
And in Austria, Schneeberg - snow mountain; and this it is, the highest snow mountain of Austria:

The shot was taken from my balcony; thus the antenna you see is located in Vienna, as are the trees in the foreground.
I've finally decided that I should be the first one to climb this mountain. In the last weeks I've already looked for a good place to put up my base camp, and I've found it. (I can't give the exact location here as I am sure you will understand. I don't want to be the Austrian Amundsen finding a Norwegian flag on the peak, right?)
This here is the peak as you see it from Gelände - a hill just north of Schneeberg which I've already climbed several times:

Gelände peak was an easy exercise. But Schneeberg really is a toughie. I already tried a winter climb, twice to be precise, and both times I couldn't get past this cliff:

So I think I will prepare myself systematically for the task. I hope to be ready for climbing the mountain come spring. Further reports will follow.
Wish me luck!