Yes, this is a break of style.
A photo of models in a studio-like environment. And not even with perfect poses, mind.
I have only one excuse.
No, two, actually: I visited a small fair for photography in Vienna on sunday (Photoadventure it's called) which is why I only made very few photographs last weekend. And the second reason is that those models were posing for everyone who wanted to take a shot. So for the first time ever (!) I did something like a model shooting.
I am not very satisfied with the results, of which the following is the best.

That's just not my world.
My world, that's trees and plants and bayous, and the hot lands of Lobau. My world also are skyscrapers and school houses and canals, and some other things still like the endless skies. People however aren't except those which are close to me; apart from that people aren't quite my thing. Thinks I.