Lately in Lobau National Park some radio ducks (Radioenten - Anas stupida ssp.) were found: some photos of the once rare species are published on the official site of the national park as lately they seem to invade those idyllic bayous, which is a shame really as they might just drive away the native species of birds.
About Anas stupida not much is known; they seem to have come out of nowhere (probably they were introduced by some local radio stations). As is described on the site in German they seem to not eat and not reproduce, but nevertheless suddenly do appear in huge numbers. So far there is no evidence whatsoever that they might just be migrating birds, they seem to have come to stay.
I'll try to find some in the next weeks, strange that I haven't seen any yet really; anyway, for now I only can offer those:

(Ardea cinerea - grey heron, Graureiher; and Egretta alba - great egret, Silberreiher. And no, I haven't got the faintest what would be the scientific name of those duck-birds you see in the photo too.)
Please, wish me luck in finding some radio ducks!!