We experience right now extremely hot autumn weather. For the weekend the temperature is even supposed to rise to 32 ° Celsius here in Vienna (fortunately I'll spend the weekend in the cooler highlands of Mühlviertel).
This suffices for the weather forecast to claim that 'hot summer days' were ahead of us. Which of course is complete and utter nonsense: this is not summer anymore. It certainly is fall: firstly the autumn crocus already has begun to flower (and is continuing to do so), and secondly the warm weather is due to Foehn, a warm catabatic wind caused by Mediterranean deeps. If nothing else then Foehn is a clear indicator that summer is over; Foehn is most typical for spring and fall and occurs in winter sometimes, but you don't get Foehn in summer because summertime is the time where in the Mediterranean there are simly no deeps.