Summer is dead, finished, finito, мертво, muerto, umrlo, tot!
Temperatures today barely rose above 15 ° Celsius (60 ° Fahrenheit), we had heavy thunderstorms and rainfalls yesterday, floodings and hail damage was done by the powers of nature. This actually seems to develop into a pattern: the spring floods that were so very usual for Central Europe seem to occur only occasionally, the last one we had in 2002; but almost each year the transition of summer into fall now seems to be marked by very heavy rainfalls causing severe floodings while in former times this 'rainy week' marking the end of summer hardly ever did cause floodings. Last year this late summer floods occured later - end of august, beginning of september. So we are more than a week early concerning the weather.
Anyway, let summer be dead, and may autumn live long!

(PS: We are late concerning the autumn crocus: they're still not out flowering. Just wait till monday, you'll see!)