Finally summer has come back and the farmers can continue to harvest their grain crops. We've got hot and muggy weather right now - with thunderstorms almost every day (this year probably could become a thunderstorm record year), so it continues to be wet too.

The roads on Bisamberg like this one were eroded so much that some of them (this one too, only further down the hill and not at this point which lies close to its top) already lay two meters or more below ground level and with each heavy downpour the floods flowing through these roads took more material with them which, further down, flooded cellars and houses. To put an end to that the roads (German Hohlwege, that is a sunken lane) were plastered - and declared as stream beds for legal reasons so that the magistrate department for hydraulic engineering would be responsible for maintenance. Nevertheless cars also may use these stream beds; it is only recommended not to do so during heavy rainfalls when they really are streams ...