We had no great floodings this spring, so far. But water levels are just slightly above normal:

Which is what should be the case.
This spring so far was quite okay: lots of sun, lots of rain. And water is what nature needs to grow, especially in spring - we had quite some dry springs in the last years, this year seems to turn out to be rather normal again. (Well, it could be wetter still, nature wouldn't mind: some of the Lobau bayous still have rather low water levels, probably a 'proper' flooding of the swamplands is what they'd need right now. But nature seems to be okay as it is, at the moment.)
Everything's green here in and around Vienna now (while in higher lying regions this is not quite the case already), Morchellas grow, orchids too (and in great numbers, even the rarer genus of Ophrys - Ragwurzen in German), and even Crataegus monogyna slowly, hesitantly is beginning to flower (Common Hawthorn - Eingriffeliger Weissdorn).
As hawthorn is one of the commonest bushes on the dryer lands of the Danube swamplands it should look quite fantastic when finally all of them will be blossoming in full.