Slowly, but inevitably summer is closing in on this city. The last days already felt like summer - warm and hot; and some of those days still will follow (while already a slightly colder period is predicted to follow).
Summer is a bore, you know.
Well, I concede that you might not agree with me on that, but then you probably belong to the species fleeing their hometown as soon as summer settles in (at least temporarily), so that you wouldn't notice how boring it is. Anyway, Lobau becomes less interesting the closer summer is, and probably you'll appreciate for once a change of topic here on this blog. (There are still some weeks ahead before finally Lobau will be burnt to almost cinder by the summer sun, mind.)

Anyway - this here now is Vienna International Centre, this is where the Austrian UN authorities are located; and this is the district which reminds me at least a tiny little bit of the Docklands in London (Canary Wharf).
The beer can, however, reminds me of another upcoming event here in Vienna: Euro 2008, the European Football Championship 2008 hosted by Switzerland and Austria. Stay tuned if you want to find out wether I ever will dare to enter the fan zone with my camera.