Today I lost my way in the fairy-tale forest of Lobau national park. The gnarled boughs of the trees claimed my life and wouldn't let go of me.

No, really. I'm absolutely serious!
I left my bike lying near a path and branched off on foot, in search of a bayou which I knew was near. On the way I found some exciting things (for example a wild boar, or closer to the truth: only some leftovers of one which should have featured today's blog entry).
However, on my way back I found that my route was blocked by another bayou. Or was it the same one, was I going in circles?
I became nervous. Especially after tracking back my steps, as good as I could, again a bayou blocked my route.
Finally, I panicked. I was running in circles for at least half an hour, probably more. I don't know exactly because I couldn't care less any more on how late it was already.
But I wouldn't write this entry if finally I hadn't come to my senses: calm down, I've told me, look where the sun is standing, go south and keep to it, and you'll find your way back, you'll surely find your bike and that's that.
And so it was. But believe me, I was mightily relieved when I finally spotted my bike.
(Two bayous there were, you know, as I found out afterwards - that's what made me so disorientated. I thought there was only one.)