Today I was in Heaven.
Literally. One of the hills above the noble western 'Grätzl' (as neighbourhoods are called here in Vienna) of Grinzing in the district of Döbling, lying still inside the city limits of Vienna, is called 'Himmel' - the English equivalent would be both 'sky' and 'heaven':

Only the early bird catches the town like this: the place where I took this shot is overcrowded during daytime, and especially on sundays, even if it is as cold as it was today - around about eight to nine degrees Celsius below zero, which would be around fifteen degrees Fahrenheit.
The Himmel has a long history of popularity to show, already in the nineteenth century the Viennese liked to picknick up there. Sigmund Freud too was a regular guest up there in a pavillion only a few metres away from where this shot was taken, where one day (supposedly on 24th of july 1895, as stated on a memorial there) the secret of dream interpretation revealed itself to Dr Freud.