This is a personal memento, on All Saint's Day. To all the people I know who didn't die prematurely, when they easily could have.
To my mother, who didn't die in childbed when giving birth to my little sister.
To one of my brothers, who did survive a nasty accident with his car, and another one who survived an even nastier one when driving on his bicycle.
To a friend of mine surviving trying not to commit suicide with cutting his wrist artery when he might have easily succeeded anyway.
All of them are still very much alive. Well, to be honest, I cannot be sure in the last case, because I hadn't had any contact with this friend of mine for quite some time - probably I should try some time soon (but then, I know I won't).
I wish you well, together with all the other people surviving despite the odds.
Others were not so lucky. This is the Friedhof der Namenlosen, the cemetery of the nameless, located near the Danube. Their name is not written on the roll, as their name is not known - as here lie the people who drowned in the floods of the river and never were identified:

So here's the metaphor: the names of the people who didn't die yet aren't on the roll, too. That's me included, certainly.
But die we will - at some time. Memento mori.